Changes in october 2000th in Serbia and nine years after
Nineties in Serbia, with the end of the twentieth century, during the regime of Slobodan Milosevic, to live in Serbia was, it is little to say - very interesting. I was in a position, as well as many others who have the time to share the same space with me, to respect the laws or ignore them. I have not had a dilemma - I respect them, when it was time for war and mobilization, I respected the legal obligation and responded to. I disagreed with anything - except the part with the legal obligations.
Devedesetih u Srbiji, sa kraja dvadesetog veka, za vreme režima Slobodana Miloševića, živeti u Srbiji bilo je, to je malo je reći - veoma zanimljivo. Bio sam u poziciji, kao i mnogi drugi koji su to vreme podelili na istom prostoru sa mnom, da poštujem zakone, ili ih ignorišem. Ja nisam imao dileme - poštovao sam ih: kada je došlo vreme rata i mobilizacije, poštovao sam zakonsku obavezu i odazvao se. Nisam se slagao ni sa čim - osim sa zakonskim delom obaveze.
Devedesetih u Srbiji, sa kraja dvadesetog veka, za vreme režima Slobodana Miloševića, živeti u Srbiji bilo je, to je malo je reći - veoma zanimljivo. Bio sam u poziciji, kao i mnogi drugi koji su to vreme podelili na istom prostoru sa mnom, da poštujem zakone, ili ih ignorišem. Ja nisam imao dileme - poštovao sam ih: kada je došlo vreme rata i mobilizacije, poštovao sam zakonsku obavezu i odazvao se. Nisam se slagao ni sa čim - osim sa zakonskim delom obaveze.
Ispostavilo se da "oni" ne moraju poštovati taj zakon, kao ni njihova deca, ili bliža familija itd. Kada je nastupilo vreme kriminala, i opšte pljačke, kradje i šverca - ja nisam prihvatio, nisam se tome odazvao. Nisam želeo da učestvujem u tome. To je kriminal. |
Nineties in Serbia, with the end of the twentieth century, during the regime of Slobodan Milosevic, to live in Serbia was, it is little to say - very interesting. I was in a position, as well as many others who have the time to share the same space with me, to respect the laws or ignore them. I have not had a dilemma - I respect them, when it was time for war and mobilization, I respected the legal obligation and responded to. I disagreed with anything - except the part with the legal obligations.